Iota Care provide residential and respite care and support for adults with autism or autistic traits and associated conditions. Their services also extend to individuals in the community, supporting them in their work placements and leisure time activities.
The company’s Mark Peard says “I have been particularly drawn towards supporting basketball in the city to acknowledge the close links that members of my family have had with the game over several decades. I have been able to witness up close the positive impact that it has had upon them in their development from attending coaching classes as children, playing in junior leagues, themselves becoming coaches, officiating, refereeing, and, in some cases, representing at a professional and international level.
It was just natural progression for our company to support in whatever way we could, attempting in some small way to “pay it forward”. I am pleased to hear that the pump prime funding that we provided to initiate coaching sessions at High Street Primary was successful, and I look forward to having a long relationship with the women’s team as they start out on their national journey. We have a number of close family friends involved with the team and it will be great to support them in addition to enhancing the development of the team for future generations.
As an added incentive, a few of IOTA Care’s service users enjoy the game of basketball so they were thrilled to hear about our interaction with the Patriots.”